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Yorkshire Biz August 19 - Rebecca Talbot - The Book Den

Yorkshire Biz August 19 - Rebecca Talbot - The Book Den

Want to get some gorgeous books that are suitable for your little one’s interests?

In August, we are featuring many amazing female Yorkshire entrepreneurs by showcasing their business (#yorkshirebizaugust) and a bit of personal life on our shop blog. 

Make sure you enter our big Yorkshire Biz August Giveaway (#ybagiveaway) to win one of our prizes given out by these superwomen! No need to be in Yorkshire to enjoy our prizes. (read the bottom of this post to find out how to enter)

Today we are featuring Rebecca and her children's book business - The Book Den which is not only to aim to share gorgeous books with more families but to ensure the right books are recommended for your child’s age & interests & to offer a truly personal shopping experience.


Business Name  

Usborne Books - The Book Den


Business Related Questions

Which part of Yorkshire is your business based? 


Tell us a little bit about your business - What makes your business a little different from others?

My aim of being an Usborne Organiser is to not only share these gorgeous books with more families but to ensure the right books are recommended for your child’s age & interests & to offer a truly personal shopping experience. If you’re looking for birthday presents or boredom busters, I can make personalised bundles to suit your children’s age, interests and budget. The bundle will always be of more value than what you pay and will save you time searching the website! 

What’s your favourite ever product or service that you currently sell or have sold?

Usborne have nearly 3000 books and activities in their catalogue so it really is difficult to say what my favourite is but a couple that we have loved so far are the noisy books that are interactive and amusing for little ones, 100 paper airplanes – 100 printed pages to fold and fly, we had loads of fun racing our designs. The magic painting books are another hit – great for boredom busting and all you need is water – mess-free painting!! We’ve even taken a couple of pages out with us so my son can paint whilst we wait for our food in a restaurant!

Why did you choose this business to run or establish? 

I was brought up with a love of books and reading and I always hoped I could pass this on to my son. I am loving working for Usborne & wish I’d done it long ago!

How are you pivoting or adapting your business during this crazy Covid virus time?

I joined Usborne books during lockdown when my wedding business went on hold. This was to give me something to do to keep me busy but also so my son and I would have some lovely books to read.

As well as activity books and storybooks, Usborne also have a huge range of educational books which have been invaluable and in high demand by parents during the lockdown, whilst home-schooling.  


What is your one product or service you would recommend for either a pregnant woman, newborn mom, or for babies, toddlers, or young children? 

Usborne has a huge range of books for babies and children up to the age of around 14 with young adult fiction. The interactive nature of a lot of the books are great for babies and toddlers alike, they are beautifully illustrated and a lot are hard pages so nice and sturdy! 

Build- a-library baby showers or book parties for NCT groups are a great way to showcase the books that can feature on a nursery bookshelf & offer free books and discounts for the host. Parties have been held over Zoom or Facebook during lockdown – complete with games and prizes! 


Personally Related


Who or what inspires you?

I am inspired by mums in business – mums working around their family life and running a successful business. Having been self employed and running my own wedding business whilst having a small child I know that challenges that not just women in business face but also mums and how many things there are to juggle!


What TV shows can make you binge on all day long? 

Ooh if I got a day to binge on TV (a very rare thing now!!) it would have to be American dramas like Blue Bloods, 911, Grey’s Anatomy, CSI! I love a bit of crime drama!

What is your favourite ‘me-time’ or ‘self-care’ activity? 

When I get chance I like to be creative – I love it when you have spent time on a project and have something to show for it at the end – be it sewing, quilting, cross stitch, colouring, crafting, card making or using my Cricut vinyl machine!

What is one thing you love about living in Yorkshire? 

I am Yorkshire born and bred so I have to say I love the scenery and the beautiful places we have on our doorstep. 

What is your advice to a new born mom?

A piece of advice for mum’s with newborns would be to enjoy it, savour the moments and appreciate how little they are because it goes so fast and it’s amazing how much you forget, even a couple of years on! I am so glad we used our milestone cards and I did a baby book up to 12 months. 

What is your advice to a toddler’s mom?

For mums with toddlers – By no means am I an expert but my son is 2 and half and I’d say dig deep for your patience. The tantrums can get a bit draining but get to their level and try and distract them and just be patient. They are learning so much, developing so fast and they are still so young but toddler age is lovely and before long they will be off to school!


Final Words

So there you go. I really hope you have enjoyed learning more about Rebecca and her fabulous business, if you'd like to find out more, here are her contact details:


Contact details:




Facebook Group: 



Yorkshire Biz August Giveaway

What are Rebecca’s gifts for the giveaway?

Rebecca is giving out 2 x free Usborne books to our giveaway winners choosing from a few options (see picture below).

One winner is drawn from Facebook entries and the other for Instagram's. 



Enter the Giveaways

If you want to enter our August Giveaway (entries close on 30 Aug 2020), click on the links below to take part.

Instagram Entry of August GiveawayFacebook Entry - August Giveaway

Please make sure you read the description to understand how to enter the giveaway contests as the two giveaways have different requirements. 


By reading this interview article, we hope it will encourage you to support more small local UK businesses. It will be even better if it inspires you to create your own business! There are many other Yorkshire Biz August businesses we have to introduce you. 

Click here to find out more about the campaign and links to other interview blog posts. 

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